Voice1 processor, for that larger-than-life broadcast voice!
New Bern, NC, USA - New this NAB show, Wheatstone introduces the Audioarts Voice1 processor to bring out that larger-than-life broadcast voice in anyone.
Voice1 features peak vocal performance across the entire vocal range, not just male voices, with no undesirable coloration added. Voice1 utilizes Super Quiet mic preamps and high quality 24-bit A/D converters. Voice1 is a WheatNet-IP audio network device similar to its four-channel counterpart, the M4IP-USB, with routable I/O and logic control.
Voice1 will be at booth W3000, West Hall, along with Wheatstone’s streaming processors and line of WheatNet-IP AoIP and cloud software products.
Info: www.wheatstone.com & AV SYS *
* Distributor for Hellas
Notes: Press Release - Wheatstone - March 2023