JVC CONNECTED CAM™ Solutions Provide Uncompromised Image Quality for
One of the Largest High School Video Boards Installed in the U.S.
Nashville, Arkansas, February 2024 - As an industry leader in design, project management, manufacturing and installation, ACE Sports offers the best in video/scoreboards, audio and production equipment for every sport across North America, including at the high school, collegiate and professional levels. For the company’s recent installation at Nashville High School in Arkansas, JVC Professional Video provided a complete, glass-to-glass production solution, featuring two of its industry-recognized GY-HC500UN CONNECTED CAM™ Handheld Production Cameras and a full complement of the brand’s workflow tools.
In addition to the cameras, ACE Sports also provided the school with JVC’s KM-IP8S4PRO CONNECTED CAM vMix Studio Switcher, which can manage up to four SDI inputs and eight NDI inputs using vMix 4K licensed software, along with the brand’s RM-LP450G Replay Control Surface and RM-LP350G Desktop CONNECTED CAM vMix Control Surface, which works with the KM-IP8S4 to enable traditional-style switching.

Using JVC’s all-encompassing solution, Nashville High School can livestream and present instant replays with uncompromised image quality in 4K ultra-HD to its video board, which is one of the largest installed in America at this level. “Since the new video display has a resolution of around 200 million pixels, the school needs to use cameras that provide the same video quality, otherwise the content being presented on the video board could appear blurry or out of focus for the live crowds in attendance,” says Mark Bridges, Director of Business Development, ACE Sports. “With the JVC GY-HC500s, the quality is unmatched, especially for its price point.”
With ACE Sports’ incorporation of the JVC system at Nashville High School, sports spectators have been provided with enhanced footage of the game, which they may not have been able to view otherwise. “We have the cameras livestreaming to the board and we’re also recording,” explains Bridges. “We usually have people watching the video board when their team is on the opposite end of the field, other times they turn their backs and look up at the board just to get a close-up view. The JVC cameras provide that feed, which is really cool.” It is often in those instances that the ACE Sports team also really appreciates the RM-LP350G vMix control surface, which enables traditional-style switching and provides four-channel PTZ camera presets, panning and zoom.
A loyal integrator of JVC Professional Video for many years, ACE Sports specs the brand’s equipment for many other projects as well. “When we first came across JVC, I realized we would likely have a long-term partner,” says Bridges. “Since then, the brand has been our tried and true.”
According to Bridges, one of the best features about the cameras for this installation specifically, is the simplicity of them. ACE Sports often works with schools that opt into the curriculum the company offers, teaching students how to operate a live production; Nashville High School being one of those. “We needed cameras that were user-friendly and we found JVC to be a good fit,” says Bridges. “The students love them. JVC turned out to be exactly what we were looking for.”
Info: www.jvc.com/usa/pro/professional-video & AmyDV* & BLK LTD* & GALAIOS* & Repella*
* Distributors for Hellas in alphabetical order
Notes: Press Release - JVC PROFESSIONAL VIDEO - Nashville, Arkansas, February 2024