EBU: Metadata Developer Network (MDN), Workshop 2019.

Tuesday, 11 June 2019 - Thursday, 13 June 2019

EBU Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland

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The MDN Workshop at EBU HQ in Geneva is the annual meeting point for developers working on Metadata and Artificial Intelligence in broadcasting. It is open to the public.

The event is organized by the EBU Strategic Programme on Media Information Management and AI (MIM-AI) and the Metadata Developer Network (MDN), an active community for developers to share knowledge, learn from their peers, get feedback and collaborate on metadata-related projects.



Tormod Vaervagen (NRK), Kim Viljanen & Tapio Korpela (YLE) & Matt Eaton (Graymeta Inc.), Lyndon Nixon (MODUL), Viviane Festjens & Joris Van Denstorme (VRT), Sébastien Ducret & Léonard Bouchet (RTS), Dalia R. Levine (HBO), Masanori Sano (NHK), Dieter van Rijsselbergen (Limecraft), Alberto Messina & Maurizio Montagnuolo (RAI), Jürgen Grupp (SRG SSR), Are Tverberg (TV2), Patrick Aichroth & Hanna Lukashevich (Fraunhofer IDMT), Gijs Davelaar (Nielsen), Matthieu Parmentier (France Télévisions), Ismail Harrando & Raphael Troncy (EURECOM), Roger Roberts & Guy Marechal (ASBL-Titan), Madeleine Keltsch (IRT), Pietro Rezzonico (RTS), Miggi Zwicklbauer (Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg), Kristan Bullett & Albert-Jan Tebbe (Piksel), Matt Eaton (Graymeta)  


• Workshops and hands-on demonstrations
• Metadata from all angles
• Content analysis and data crunching with Artificial Intelligence
• Global metadata standards
• Using the Media Cloud and Microservice Architecture (MCMA)
• Smart Data approaches that add value
• Strategies and solutions to cut through silos and inconsistency
• Predictive analytics
• Automated enrichment
• Relevant EU H2020 projects
• ... and much more!


Notes: Announcement - European Broadcasting Union (EBU) - April 26, 2019